Saturday, April 27, 2013



Whew it's after tax day! Mary was reviewing her tax returns and she realized that not only was her home out of budget but that her business was as well. At home Mary follows a routine for starting her day. When Mary gets up in the morning she starts her day with a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. Then she eats a bowl of Special K before getting into her car for the 20 minute drive to the office. While in the car she listens to an inspirational audio to help begin her day with enthusiasm. When Mary is on top of her game she follows this routine consistently and produces great results. When she forgets any one of these habits her day never gets off to a good start and she feels behind the eight ball all day long. How many of you can relate to that? Systems like the ones we use in the morning can be helpful in ensuring we produce the results we want. Were you satisfied with your financial results this tax year?

Creating a financial system and routine to follow will grow your wealth both personally and professionally. Your life can be broken down into systems. Routines that we use with our kids, our spouse, our business and our finances. Human beings tend to do things systematically. Many of us deny this fact because we like to believe that we are spontaneous and that nothing is controlling us, yet when you look at your daily life you realize that the more you do use a system or a habit and a routine the easier your life becomes. The same system can be applied to your financial future and growth.

What is your current financial system? Is it random? Do you have more month at the end of your money? Are you surprised when you check your checking account balance? When looking at your business are you clear on your assets and liabilities? When you use a financial system developing a business forecast becomes easier.

One system many of our customers have implemented is the following:

· keep two envelopes in the car labeled for the current month - one for personal expenditures and one for business expenditures. As transactions occur the minute you get in the car empty your pockets of receipts into the envelope making notes as required. (Typically that is only required on meal receipts)

· keep a folder in the house labeled for the current month - as items come in the mail put them in the folder, making notes on anything that is unique or new

· keep a similar folder in your office for business statements

· after the last statement for the month has been received (typically these are your investment statements) put the items from the folders in the envelopes and mail to Abundance Accounting

This is a pretty simple and easy process that ensures timely financial reporting. Your financial system will have a great impact when it comes to time. You can always make more money to compensate for a poor system but you can never replace your time.

Contact us today!  to take action on your financial future now. Let's grow your business and personal finances and talk about ways Abundance Accounting can help you create a financial system that will free you up to do what you do best!

We would love to hear what systems you are using. Please go to Abundance Accounting on Facebook and share with us what is working! We will be happy to send you our free Debt Reduction and Wealth Building Report as a thank you.

For more ideas and a complimentary analysis
to determine where you are - give us a call today
(406) 257- 6044!

In Abundance,

Friday, April 12, 2013

What would you do with an extra $100 dollars per month?

Take my significant other out to dinner.

Buy a widget I’ve had my eye on.

Pay down a bill that is weighing heavy on my mind.

Put it in a savings account.

Pay for my child’s next pair of shoes.

Buy supplies for my business.

 The truth is if you aren’t clear on where you are today, financially, and you don’t know where you want to go, or in other words what your definition of financial freedom is, it is difficult to answer this question with confidence.

Contact us today!

For more ideas and a complimentary analysis
to determine where you are - give us a call today
(406) 257- 6044!

In Abundance,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Understanding Money Principles or the Rules of the Game

Your Business and Personal Reboot for the rest of 2013

This is the second quarter of 2013. We all get a financial reboot in our business and personal financial planning and growth.

Although the economy is slowly churning for medium and small business owners, and certainly for families, every economic indicator suggests sustained growth for 2013.

When you follow the rules and principles of money, your business and personal finances can grow at a substantial rate this year.

What are the rules of the game of money? The rules of the game that wealthy people follow - and many of the rest us don't - have been around for a long time. These rules are not exclusive to wealthy people and you can follow the same rules. When you follow these rules or principles your business and personal life changes forever.

Some Rules and Guidelines for Business Owners:

· Having current financial statements

· Reviewing your financial statements with an advisor monthly or at a minimum quarterly

· Having a financial forecast for the next 12 months

For Your Personal/Family Life:

· Paying yourself first

· Keeping current financial records

· Having a plan for the next 12 months

When you follow these principles you can expect new results. Truly what rules or principles do for us, is they are the guiding ideas we use to form our behavioral habits. The first rule of wealth building is awareness. Many of us have developed a set of habits that may not be working for us. Often these principles or rules of the game are not something we can put into words. For each of us these principles are different and have come from what others have taught us and or from habits we have formed over time. They go back to the time when we received our first allowance or our first paycheck.

If an individual is unaware of their principles, their guiding rules, they can be making decisions that are not getting them where they want to go and they have no idea they are doing it. For instance, some of us keep a check register and some of us don't. Some of us sit down and pay the bills each month and some of us don't. Some of us pay bills randomly and some of us wait to the last pay check and then we pay the bills. If family members and or business partners are unaware of their rules they can be butting heads and never understand why.

As well, most of us never stop to look at the whole picture and how our daily actions impact that picture. When we meet with financial management people, someone like myself, who can help us to shift our habits to create wealth, then we begin to create awareness around knowing why we make the decisions we make around money..

I am offering a free business forecasting analysis and personal analysis to assist you in creating the best financial growth for the rest of 2013.

I have 7 available business forecasting slots available, and 7 personal analysis slots.

Business owners can expect: 

· Gain clarity on revenue vs expenses

· Understanding of your current financial statements

· How to use your cashflow for maximum gains

Your personal analysis includes:

· How to grow your money while getting out of debt

· A plan of action that works, and will end arguing over money

· The date you can become debt free

Knowing your why, your definition of what abundance is for you in your life, is the fuel for changing your financial habits. Then it is just a matter of demystifying these habits and rules, which have really been around forever and learning how to implement them in your life. When we begin to follow the rules and create new habits then it becomes easier to start the wealth building process.

When I am working with people we go through a series of questions to help identify what money principles everyone is working with. It's fun, easy and painless. Doing this is a crucial first step for wealth building.

Contact me today by clicking on the appointment link below or call and to schedule your financial analysis. Let’s prepare for a better economy and make the rest of 2013 you’re best financially…

Contact us today!

For more ideas and a complimentary analysis
to determine where you are - give us a call today
(406) 257- 6044!

In Abundance,