Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Everything Begins with a Decision!

How do I put this into words?

The value available for you in "The Mastery of Money - Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today" can be life changing.

The English language has so many words for everything and yet when it comes to conveying the power and importance of some things I struggle to find just the right words.

What are the best words for conveying the value of the content you will receive?  There are over 21 financial minds who have come together to gift you with their knowledge so you can put it into practice in your life.

What are the right words for conveying the peace of mind and confidence you will have putting into practice things that are tried and true when it comes to creating financial results?  Mastering money is a step by step skill and you can learn it!

How do I let you know that making this time for yourself can be one of the most important things you can do in the next weeks to experience a shift in your financial well being?  Everything begins with a decision.  Are you interested in Financial Independence?

Financial independence touches every area of our life and I have seen firsthand the benefit of achieving it.  Financial Independence is possible for you too,` no matter where you are starting from!

If any of these words have touched you at all then you know this summit is a gift that you will benefit from.

Don't wait any longer - join us now and experience the benefit for you today! CLICK HERE

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today!

Today I have the privilege of sharing with you the connections that I have been making over the last three months!  We know that our network plays a big part in our net worth and one of the ways we begin to meet and connect with people is through events.
I have brought together some of the best financial minds who are willing to share with you their tips, tools, and practices so you can begin to put them into play in your life.  As I have been working with these people I have been touched by their stories, learned so much from their work, and have been honored to spend time with them.

This is why I am super excited to personally invite you to this very special event The Mastery of Money – Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today.    This event is my gift to you.

So often I hear people talking about financial independence as something that is far off in the future and will only happen when life events allow it to.  I promise you that is a myth, stop believing it.  You can begin to create financial independence today, no matter where you are starting from.
What if you heard the one thing that was a game changer for you?  How would your life be different if you knew with confidence that you were on the right road to financial independence?  This is what is possible for you in this event so make sure you register now!

Put yourself on your calendar, schedule in this free event,  to make sure you are able to finish 2013 strong and be in the best possible position for 2014.  I know I am glad I did!

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Minds of Financially Successful People

What if you could look into the minds of financially successful individuals and pull out exactly what you need to create Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today?

Because the people in my life are very important to me and I know many of you are wanting to create financial independence, I am super excited to share with you a gift that could transform your financial well being.  

For the last 3 months I have been working to bring you this unique event!  To be very honest with you I am blown away by the value you will receive.  As you listen to the speakers you will literally have the  capacity to shake the negative thoughts right out of your brain and replace them with money producing idea’s, tools and practices.  Imagine being able to literally extract exactly what you need to start, grow, and profit your business the way you’ve always dreamed possible. 

Have you ever ask yourself these questions;

Why is it that some people can make money while others continue to struggle?

Is it possible to put down a habit of procrastination and self defeating practices and learn to pick up the formulas that are making people rich?

What are things I don't yet know that could take me to the next level?

This event is your gift for free. Putting our money where our mouth is and giving our time and expert advice. Knowing that people who have a winning network find greater success in shorter periods of time, it is my desire to share with you the Mastery of Money network.

If you are interested in also sharing this gift of financial independence with others kindly share it with your fellow entrepreneurs, your family and friends, and any others you know that could benefit from such an event.

 If you are ready for a real change I personally invite you to join myself and 21 Experts in The Mastery of Money - Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today.

In Abundance

Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Are you in Catch Up Mode?

Money will not come into chaos.

Often when people first come to work with us they are in what I call catch up mode. Typically they have all their receipts, because somewhere along the line they learned that was important, but balancing the check book was never a priority. When it comes to tax time they would create an elaborate spread sheet and total what they had the energy to work through for expenses. Income then was whatever was deposited in the bank. I will guarantee you that if this is your method of accounting you are paying way too much in tax and if you have an entity your corporate liability veil will not stand up. As well, you may be leaking money in ways you are not aware of.

"Learn to do paperwork or be poor."
Loral Langemeier

Get your numbers current, and keep them current, so you can always make decisions from fact, not emotion, and you can plan proactively for tax.

Money is a relationship, just like everything else. In order to have a good relationship with it you must spend some time with it. If keeping track of this kind of information on a daily, weekly or monthly basis is not your strong point, then hire some help—it will be well worth your investment. What is important is that you have a current Profit and Loss statement and a current Balance Sheet to review on a monthly basis whether you create them yourself or you have someone else do it. From these statements you will learn to read your numbers to hear the story they are telling you. You will learn to make decisions from them and in no time you will look forward to receiving them, yes, it can even become fun!

When you learn to focus on the revenue, whether that be in business or in wealth building personally, you will create revenue. It's not just about making money it’s about keeping it and putting it to work for you over and over and over! Current financial reports are the vehicle through which you do this. Imagine what life could be like when your cashflow is flowing in the positive on a regular basis and your decisions become about growth and not sustainability because you know sustainability is covered!

Getting started is always the biggest step. Remove all the judgment and just begin. The good news is once your system is in place it is easy to keep in place. The rewards are worth the effort! If you would like to explore different systems so you can create one that works best for you or if you have one and want to freshen it up let us know, we are always here to help.

In Abundance,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Joy of Seasons and Money

I woke up to our first frost this morning. The sun was shining and I could feel the crispness of the air through the window. Immediately, I smiled and my mind went to time for flannel sheets, apples, and layered clothes. Each of these is a rhythm of my life that brings me happiness, which is why I smiled.

I love all the seasons, which is why I live in Montana. For me it is reflecting a time of change and bringing in new things.

Fall is my favorite though; it’s what I call sweatshirt weather. There is crispness in the mornings and evenings calling me to wrap up in warmer clothes and strong colors that inspire me to begin to look inward. These are habits for me. Habits that bring me joy.

When it comes to money we also have habits. The question is: are they habits that bring you joy? Habits that leave you feeling empowered? Habits that let you know you are on the path that makes your heart sing?

Often times, I find for most people, money is hard and chaotic and burdensome. I know this because I have been there too. The reason for this is the habits that we have. Money in our life has a rhythm, just like the rhythms of life we experience with a change in seasons. Taking time to first decide if that rhythm brings you joy or not is the first step. Once you know which things bring you joy, and which don’t, then you can begin to change the ones that don’t.

The good news is you can make this decision in the moment and then go to work finding and learning new ways to work with money so it is a joyful process for you. I always tell my clients my goal is to make money fun for them. So when it’s that day of the week or month to look at their numbers, it’s a joyful process.

As you step into this new season I encourage you to find one area of money where you can begin to have fun with it, experience joy with it. If I can do it, so can you!

In Abundance,