Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saving for a Rainy Day (in May, June, December)

Were you already prepared for spring and summer?  Most people here in the Rockies were.  However last night everything froze and we woke up to snow.  How prepared are you for change? How prepared is your family and your business when the unexpected occurs?

When I was young I remember my Mom teaching me the importance of saving for a rainy day.  She will laughingly relate the story of when we took family road trips in the car.  She would give my sister and I a roll of nickels and every time we asked "Are we there yet?"  or "How much longer?" we would have to pay a nickel.  Without fail I always had most of my nickels at the end of the trip.  If only it was that easy today to keep our money.  Saving today is a strategy.
There are those that will tell you that putting a percent of your earned money in a savings account is a discipline that will pay off in time.  There was time in our economy when that might have made some sense, when markets were on a continual upswing however in the last 5 years most will tell you that putting in money in a savings account which pays a rate of return lower than the rate of inflation means you are actually going backwards with the value of your dollar.  Even if your funds are in an IRA savings account they are not safe from this phenomenon.
Investing is another way of saying saving.  When we use this term there are many more options available to us such as investing in real estate, businesses, stocks, bonds.  Each of these of course has its own list of pros and cons and requires some learning so you are able to make the best decision for you about how it will fit into your plan for building wealth.
So how are you saving for a rainy day?  For many there is so much more month at the end of their money that saving has become a concept that is far off in the "someday".  Having an expert provide a financial forecast for your business and family is the best way to prepare for the unexpected and secure your future. Take action now for a complimentary review and receive a free report with tips to help you grow your money.  To find a solution for the unexpected rainy day and for help to ensure a brighter future contact us right away.  Rainy days are an inevitable part of life; we can help you to be prepared for them.
In Abundance,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hiring Your Kids: What it Means for Your Taxes

If you hire your child to take the reins of your business, you might be able to avoid withholding Social Security and Medicare taxes on his or her wages.  However, it's important to pay them a reasonable salary and keep records to document the arrangement. Which lead's me to this month's Your Money Saving Tip article found by CLICKING HERE.

Please contact us with any questions you may have.

In Abundance,

Friday, May 3, 2013

How is your debt load impacting your family and business life?

John & Teresa, like a number of small business owners, are slowly beginning to recover from the last four years of economic turmoil. They were committed to staying in the game, knowing what they were offering was of value. Through imagination and creativity they were able to repackage themselves in the marketplace and sales once again began to increase. The investment in this process however left them with more debt than they had anticipated. Does this sound familiar to you?

How is your debt load impacting your family and business life?

Are you looking for a solution?

Initially the burden of the debt was overwhelming, leaving John & Teresa wondering if they were ever going to get out of debt. Often they would argue, each wanting the other to find a way to take care of the situation and neither knowing where to turn. Being savvy business owners they felt they should be able to figure this out on their own. Searching online they were able to find people, who for a large up-front fee, would negotiate their debt down for them but then they were left with figuring out how to make all the payments.

Next, also online, John & Teresa found some excel spreadsheets which were already set up to track debt reduction. A friend of mine calls excel spreadsheets Bill Gates payback to all the kids who made fun of him in school! Excel is a good tool for many things but for understanding cash flow it falls very short. It is a static tool that requires constant updating to project with or to adjust for life’s curve balls. If you are ready for a dynamic tool, that will adjust for you as life happens then continue reading!

For the last three years we have been working with a financial GPS. I personally have used this tool to reduce my debt faster and have saved over $150,000 in interest in the process without refinancing! Call now for a complimentary no obligation analysis to see what this tool can do for you. It will be well worth your time and when you book your appointment I will send you my report on Debt Reduction & Wealth Building.

For more ideas and a complimentary analysis
to determine where you are - give us a call today
(406) 257- 6044!

In Abundance,