Friday, August 30, 2013

Gratitude for the work we have -

This weekend is Labor Day. For most of us it means an extra day to rest from our labors. To spend time doing things that we love, outside of our work, with people that we love. It is a time to be grateful for the work that we have.

When I hear someone complaining about their work, lamenting about how it is their right to have that job or that they expect to be taken care of more regardless of the effort they put in, I am saddened. Whether you are the owner of a company or an employee the work is a team effort. Each plays a role or a part to ensure the success of a company. It is that success that allows each to continue working and to be reimbursed for that work. If you are an employee who feels taken advantage of my question to you is are you in the right field and are you playing 110%?

I always have the most fun working in collaboration. You know when you are working with someone whose “come from” is giving instead of taking. Then it is all about being of service to the bigger picture instead of what am I going to get out of this. There is an energy about it that is creative. That is where results take off and soar. Napoleon Hill says we are reimbursed in direct proportion to the service we bring to others. I always ask myself what level of service am I providing? Am I playing at 110%?

When the service we provide is a passion for us, when that service is how we do all areas of our life, that is when we notice results that are beyond our wildest imaginations. When we play 110% for the sake of playing instead of what we will get in return for it. That is when magic happens. 

So this labor day I for one am truly thankful for the work that I do and the people I get to play with who are all about service!

In Abundance,

Friday, August 23, 2013

Millionaire Mindset

Associate with like-minded people
We are all part of the same puzzle!

Did you know that you will become the average of the five people you spend the most amount of time with?  We become like those we spend our time with.  So look to your left and look to your right and decide if how those around you are living is how you want to be living.  It’s not about right and wrong, it’s about what do you want.  What is your dream, your vision, your passion and are you living it.

Be clear what you want to achieve and then find the people who have already achieved those results. Check in to see if they would be willing to mentor you or research them to see if you can learn how they achieved their results.  People love to help others. Don't be afraid to reach out.  People who have what you don't have simply think differently than you do.  It is impossible to know what you don’t know so it takes the willingness to reach out and learn from others.  Have the courage to take conscious risks to begin to achieve the life you want.

In his book “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind” T Harv Ecker describes steps that each of us can take to master the inner game of wealth.  It is interesting to realize that the things we want most in life are always on the other side of doing something new.  When we are clear enough on why we would want to create the wealth then we will be willing to learn new things and take new steps.  The really good news is you can start today from wherever you are.   Contact Sue

In Abundance,

Friday, August 2, 2013

Learning Happens in the Journey

School supplies are already showing up in the stores. It feels like summer just began; yet here we are already beginning August! When I was younger, I loved going to the office supply store: all the new pens and pencils, new workbooks—just ripe for creating something in. These were the tools that would get used to record new learning. Learning is one of the things in life I still truly enjoy. The sparks of new thought married with my own hopes and dreams always seems to breathe new life into me; a breath that brings hope, joy and clarity--kind of that feeling you get at the beginning of any new relationship. There is almost giddiness to it.

With all dreams and goals, there comes the action that will actually create the results.
For so many years, I have been so focused on the results. Everything I did was for the
end result. Focusing this way does create results, however, the fullness of life and greatest impact of the results happens along the way. It is in the daily practicing and practicing where we get stretched. This is where we become who we are. This is where we meet others. This is where, when we are grounded and open, we can catch insights that are greater than anything we could have come up with on our own. The truth is there are always results. The question is, “was I aware of all of them?”

In Abundance,