Thursday, December 19, 2013

Growing, Loving and Mastering Money

It is the holidays again and the end of the year again!
  • Are you stretched thin financially again? 
  • Did you tell yourself at this time last year that things would be different this year?
  • Are you ready to change this?

Well I have created this FREE video training series with you in mind so next year truly will be different!

I'm excited to be able to share this journey with you!  In the Mastery of Money Training Series "Growing, Loving and Mastering Money with Confidence and Clarity" you are going to learn once and for all where to start, how to start, and how to grow from there.

If you are truly ready to knock 2014 out of the park financially, no matter where you are starting from, then you will not want to miss this series!

CLICK HERE and get started now.

I am so excited to do this with you because I have seen so many of my clients really take off once they have taken these steps!

CLICK HERE now and join me

In Abundance,


Sue Thompson, Financial Management Expert
Abundance Accounting and The Mastery of Money

Tel: (406) 257 - 6044

P.S. Before you go, can you do me a quick favor? Do you have a friend, colleague or family member who might benefit from these videos? If you do, will you copy and paste this link - to your Facebook page, Twitter, email, etc. and help spread the word? Thank you so much for sharing the love!

If we are not yet connected on Facebook, don't forget to like my Facebook page to get exclusive content, free offers, and up-to-date information on the video series. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The end of the year is right around the corner.

Typically I will begin to think about what is next for 2014 and how can I build off of what has been accomplished in 2013. My coach suggested reviewing 2013 and congratulating myself on all the accomplishments of the year. I am typically so focused on forward movement this is not something I spend enough time doing.

In thinking through the activities of the year, the new relationships created, the service provided, the learning achieved I am overwhelmed with gratitude. To get to live the life I desire with my family, to work with a team who I truly enjoy and value, to be of service to others in a way that makes my heart sing, all of this is a gift. This is the fullness of life for me.

From this place of gratitude I am experiencing great joy. Being of service is ingrained deeper into my being; I can’t help but embrace it. Yes there were things to overcome, skills to learn, people to meet, experiences outside of my comfort zone and now looking back it was all worth it, even though in the moment it may not have felt like it.

The skill which has served me the best in this process is learning to make decisions quickly and firmly. To do so I had to let go of a lot of perfectionism – wanting everything to be perfect all the time, questioning myself to make sure it was “right”.  I still bump up against this but the muscle that says “trust yourself and move ahead anyway” is getting stronger.

What did you accomplish in 2013 that has brought you great joy? Leave me a comment so I am able to celebrate with you!

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Beginner’s Mind


A Beginner's Mind with Money -

I recently took up Yoga. It is not something I have ever done before. I have been so pleasantly surprised at how much I am truly enjoying it. The peaceful rhythm of the class is truly a joy I look forward to every week. It is one space and time I get to be still in my mind and focus internally.

As I was driving home from my last class I was reflecting on how open I am to learning this new practice. There is no expectation that I will be perfect (yes I am so very stiff - if you could see me I am sure it would be almost comical.) I am completely open and eager to learn. I do everything the instructor asks of me, trusting in her guidance, and I don’t beat myself up looking for certain results in a certain time frame.

In working with my business coach I am also eager and open however I trip myself up in accomplishing the tasks I have been given because of perfectionism. What if I could put myself in the space of a beginner’s mind like I do with yoga? Is it possible that these new business activities could be joyful and peaceful as well? I’m thinking so.

I find in working with my own clients, those who are open and willing to try no matter what it looks like or feels like are the ones who make the greatest leaps in the shortest amount of time. Again I believe it is the beginner’s mind that allows for this. That way of thinking that is open to possibility and that is eager to learn. There is a childlike curiosity not only for what is being learned but also about how they are showing up in their thinking, in their being, and in their doing. There is a playfulness without the heavy burden of could have and should have.

When it comes to money we have had so many experiences in life and not all of them are positive. This is what plays the heavy when we are stretching and learning new ways of handling money. I invite everyone into a beginner’s mind with money. I encourage you to let go of could haves and should haves and just acknowledge what is and then be open to what is possible for you. Whether it is breaking an income ceiling, learning new financial management skills, or exploring new ways of wealth development have a beginner’s mind and enjoy!

I for one am committed to a beginner’s mind. How about you? Leave me a comment below and share your experiences with a beginners mind.

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do you have clarity on your numbers?

I had a client ask me yesterday “Sue what is the ROI (Return on Investment) we will have if we work with you?” It was a great question. They were looking for clarity on whether their financial plan was a good one or not. The truth is the answer to that question is “it depends.”

How we do money is how we do everything: the way we make purchasing decisions, if we have debt or not; if we invest directly in things like business and real estate or if we invest indirectly in things like stocks and mutual funds; whether we hire a team or do it all ourselves depends. Each decision will be unique to us, based on our end goals, and our money principles.

Without doing the work to know what our goals are and how we go about achieving them, it is impossible to know if a plan is a good one for you or not. There is no one plan that fits all. Sure there are rules to certain games like investing in real estate or building a business but how you do it and when depends on you, your goals, and where you are on your path in wealth creation.

From my years of experience I could see a number of areas in the plan my client had created that would warrant further thought, but that truly meant nothing without getting to know what was important to them, why it was important to them, and where they were at in their level of financial management skills. I actually would have done them a disservice if I had just begun adjusting their plan without first inviting them into a process of discovery.

ROI is of course a very important thing to track when it comes to investing. Unfortunately, too often I see people pushing for a specific financial ROI that is impossible for them to actually achieve without first doing the work of learning solid financial management skills and knowing how and why they are making the decisions that they are making. Then, there is the ROI in your life: how you do money is also how you do relationships, how you spend your downtime, how you manage your health.

In the 30+ years that I have been working with clients, I have seen people at every stage of wealth development stall out until they learn these baseline skills. You will continually chase the latest idea or method but will always come back to bump up against this wall until you choose to learn it. Make a decision and invest in yourself. Take the time to build this solid foundation to create from and then keep me posted on your ROI! I love to hear these stories!

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

P.S.  If you know that you are ready to launch your wealth creation from a solid foundation contact me to see if we are a good fit. I have 2 spots left for private coaching with me in 2014 at the 2013 prices!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Feast or Famine

What problem do you solve for me?

As business owners we are asked this question by our clients every day. It comes in many different formats but ultimately that is the bottom line of why someone will choose to do business with us. The clearer we can be in answering this question the better for us and for our client.

Often times when I am working with a client who is struggling with money, specifically cash flow in their business, I know two things are happening. So by cash flow challenges I mean your income goes up and down, its either feast or famine, or you make just enough to cover the bills but not much more. When I see this I know that what is going on for you is a lack of clarity in the value that you provide to others.

Napoleon Hill tells us that we are paid in direct proportion to the service that we provide. If you are unclear on the value of what you do for others, or in other words, on the problem that you solve for others, then your income, which is derived from solving this problem, will typically fluctuate.

There are usually a number of reasons why we would be unclear on our value and often I find one of the main reasons is our money principles. Our guiding money principles, also known as beliefs, paradigms, mindset, will play a big part in us understanding the value of the service we are providing; the service which is solving a problem for our client.

Does this feel like a circle? Here is the truth; money touches every area of our life. If you are not clear on your value and if your cash flow is not what you would like it to be, get curious about how the two things are intertwined. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, please leave a comment in the box below.

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Money is a Teacher

In the years that I have been blessed to work with people and money I have found that money is one of the most incredible teachers in life. There is so much emotion and energy around money and not all of it, in fact a great deal of it, is negative. This is truly unfortunate because money touches almost every area of our life.

I was listening to a speaker a while back and he made the comment that “Money does buy happiness”. Of course he was creating a case against the age old “Yeah but, money can’t buy you happiness.” A phrase that I think is often used as an excuse to never figure out how to make the money that is on your heart to earn. He made his case by stating “Money buys the family vacations that create memories and that makes me happy. I can give to the charities and community events as I want to and not as my check book dictates and that makes me happy. I can grow my business and provide employment for a lot of people who then go on vacations, and that makes me happy.” The list could go on and on.

Here is what I know. Each of us has inklings, thoughts and dreams about the life we would like to live. There is no right or wrong, better than or less than life, there is just our life that we are called to live out in the world. So when you think about what that is for you - where are you on your journey to creating that life?

A great place to begin when asking yourself that question is “Are you making the kind of money you want in order to live that life?” If the answer is not yet, then the good news is you get to be in the question of how do I do it! I encourage you to begin to get curious about money and pay attention to what comes up for you in the way of emotions and thinking. Do you go into overwhelm? Do you put it on a to do list and never get to it? Do you glaze over and tune out? Or do you love to learn about it?

I hope you can come to a place where you can see that money is just another tool to learn how to use and master in life. That it can actually become a fun place to explore and learn from as you are achieving your dream life.

Leave me a comment below I would know how you are doing with this.

In Abundance,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Goals and Results

I am one of those people who love to achieve goals.  Working hard to achieve is actually something I enjoy and typically I will get great results but I will not always reach the goal.  In the past when I didn’t reach the goal, when the results were not what I had hoped for, I used to beat myself up pretty good – with things you may be familiar with like I am not smart enough or not good enough.  I would then look at the goal as not achievable by me. I had results and goals intertwined which meant when I didn’t achieve the result I also threw out the goal.
When I understood the distinction between goals and results it was very liberating.  It brought a great sense of relief which opened up more creativity for me.  A goal is the big picture.  It is the concept I want to bring to the world that is unique to me.  It is my vision, my message, the calling on my heart.  In order to achieve this goal there are many actions that will be required along the way and each action will have a hoped for result.
The good news is that now, when a hoped for result is not achieved it is nothing more than the opportunity to sit back and ask myself and my team:  What worked, what didn’t and what is next?  This is what allows the creativity to come instead of the disappointment.  Results are like the steps along the way to achieving the goal.  Some steps are larger than others, some require help from other people, some require large investments of time, energy and money and some don’t.  
With every step comes the opportunity for learning, personal growth and renewed commitment.  With every step I get closer to my goal.  As long as I am committed to continued action, to continually taking the next step, my goal will be achieved in the world.  
There are an infinite number of steps that can be taken to reach any goal.  Typically in business there are some steps that when taken in the wrong order can create great delays in achieving your goal.  So when taking steps I have found that it is best not to try and recreate the wheel.  These are the places where I can bring in team, I can hire a coach, I can co-create with partners.  Depending on what I am needing – ideas, accountability, or support with actions – helps me to know where to turn.  I don’t have to do everything on my own and as I have known with myself and seen with most of my clients it is best not to.  Knowing when to bring in what kind of help is critical and knowing your numbers is what allows you to confidently make these decisions.

If you are ready to take new steps in 2014, to understand your numbers so you can confidently make decisions on your way to achieving your goal, to ensure you keep more of the money you make so you are able to care for your family and your team abundantly, to fully step into the calling on your heart then contact us today to take advantage of a complimentary strategy session by clicking here now. Contact Sue

In Abundance,

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

You are always at choice!

Feedback is a marvelous thing.

Thanks Sue, I definitely found some resonance in this talk.
This was very helpful.
Thank you for this gift.

It lets us know the way others perceive what we are offering. With this information we can know whether or not we are conveying the message we wanted to or not. Now we are at choice! 
If the message we wanted to convey is in fact being reflected back to us we have a home run. If not then we can decided to make changes.
I am so excited to be receiving the above feedback from The Mastery of Money - Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today. It lets me know we are on track. Providing our listeners with just what they were looking for! A home run!
Messaging and marketing are important when it comes to growing your business. I used to think I had to have my messaging nailed down with a fine tooth comb and the truth is it grows and changes as I do. Every time I work with a client, every time I experience new learning, every new connection I foster, all plays a part in how I continue to grow and develop my business. I mix each of those with my unique gifts and skills to come up with my message.
I have always said that money is one of our greatest teachers and working in this area is a passion for me. Learning is a lifelong process and the more we learn about a topic the more we learn there is to learn! That is the joy of mastery. What area of your business are you passionate about? What is the message you are sharing? Start sharing it now. Don’t wait to figure it all out. Let me know what you've learned in the comments below!

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Everything Begins with a Decision!

How do I put this into words?

The value available for you in "The Mastery of Money - Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today" can be life changing.

The English language has so many words for everything and yet when it comes to conveying the power and importance of some things I struggle to find just the right words.

What are the best words for conveying the value of the content you will receive?  There are over 21 financial minds who have come together to gift you with their knowledge so you can put it into practice in your life.

What are the right words for conveying the peace of mind and confidence you will have putting into practice things that are tried and true when it comes to creating financial results?  Mastering money is a step by step skill and you can learn it!

How do I let you know that making this time for yourself can be one of the most important things you can do in the next weeks to experience a shift in your financial well being?  Everything begins with a decision.  Are you interested in Financial Independence?

Financial independence touches every area of our life and I have seen firsthand the benefit of achieving it.  Financial Independence is possible for you too,` no matter where you are starting from!

If any of these words have touched you at all then you know this summit is a gift that you will benefit from.

Don't wait any longer - join us now and experience the benefit for you today! CLICK HERE

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today!

Today I have the privilege of sharing with you the connections that I have been making over the last three months!  We know that our network plays a big part in our net worth and one of the ways we begin to meet and connect with people is through events.
I have brought together some of the best financial minds who are willing to share with you their tips, tools, and practices so you can begin to put them into play in your life.  As I have been working with these people I have been touched by their stories, learned so much from their work, and have been honored to spend time with them.

This is why I am super excited to personally invite you to this very special event The Mastery of Money – Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today.    This event is my gift to you.

So often I hear people talking about financial independence as something that is far off in the future and will only happen when life events allow it to.  I promise you that is a myth, stop believing it.  You can begin to create financial independence today, no matter where you are starting from.
What if you heard the one thing that was a game changer for you?  How would your life be different if you knew with confidence that you were on the right road to financial independence?  This is what is possible for you in this event so make sure you register now!

Put yourself on your calendar, schedule in this free event,  to make sure you are able to finish 2013 strong and be in the best possible position for 2014.  I know I am glad I did!

In Abundance,
Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Minds of Financially Successful People

What if you could look into the minds of financially successful individuals and pull out exactly what you need to create Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today?

Because the people in my life are very important to me and I know many of you are wanting to create financial independence, I am super excited to share with you a gift that could transform your financial well being.  

For the last 3 months I have been working to bring you this unique event!  To be very honest with you I am blown away by the value you will receive.  As you listen to the speakers you will literally have the  capacity to shake the negative thoughts right out of your brain and replace them with money producing idea’s, tools and practices.  Imagine being able to literally extract exactly what you need to start, grow, and profit your business the way you’ve always dreamed possible. 

Have you ever ask yourself these questions;

Why is it that some people can make money while others continue to struggle?

Is it possible to put down a habit of procrastination and self defeating practices and learn to pick up the formulas that are making people rich?

What are things I don't yet know that could take me to the next level?

This event is your gift for free. Putting our money where our mouth is and giving our time and expert advice. Knowing that people who have a winning network find greater success in shorter periods of time, it is my desire to share with you the Mastery of Money network.

If you are interested in also sharing this gift of financial independence with others kindly share it with your fellow entrepreneurs, your family and friends, and any others you know that could benefit from such an event.

 If you are ready for a real change I personally invite you to join myself and 21 Experts in The Mastery of Money - Your Roadmap to Financial Independence Today.

In Abundance

Sue Thompson
Financial Management Expert

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Are you in Catch Up Mode?

Money will not come into chaos.

Often when people first come to work with us they are in what I call catch up mode. Typically they have all their receipts, because somewhere along the line they learned that was important, but balancing the check book was never a priority. When it comes to tax time they would create an elaborate spread sheet and total what they had the energy to work through for expenses. Income then was whatever was deposited in the bank. I will guarantee you that if this is your method of accounting you are paying way too much in tax and if you have an entity your corporate liability veil will not stand up. As well, you may be leaking money in ways you are not aware of.

"Learn to do paperwork or be poor."
Loral Langemeier

Get your numbers current, and keep them current, so you can always make decisions from fact, not emotion, and you can plan proactively for tax.

Money is a relationship, just like everything else. In order to have a good relationship with it you must spend some time with it. If keeping track of this kind of information on a daily, weekly or monthly basis is not your strong point, then hire some help—it will be well worth your investment. What is important is that you have a current Profit and Loss statement and a current Balance Sheet to review on a monthly basis whether you create them yourself or you have someone else do it. From these statements you will learn to read your numbers to hear the story they are telling you. You will learn to make decisions from them and in no time you will look forward to receiving them, yes, it can even become fun!

When you learn to focus on the revenue, whether that be in business or in wealth building personally, you will create revenue. It's not just about making money it’s about keeping it and putting it to work for you over and over and over! Current financial reports are the vehicle through which you do this. Imagine what life could be like when your cashflow is flowing in the positive on a regular basis and your decisions become about growth and not sustainability because you know sustainability is covered!

Getting started is always the biggest step. Remove all the judgment and just begin. The good news is once your system is in place it is easy to keep in place. The rewards are worth the effort! If you would like to explore different systems so you can create one that works best for you or if you have one and want to freshen it up let us know, we are always here to help.

In Abundance,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Joy of Seasons and Money

I woke up to our first frost this morning. The sun was shining and I could feel the crispness of the air through the window. Immediately, I smiled and my mind went to time for flannel sheets, apples, and layered clothes. Each of these is a rhythm of my life that brings me happiness, which is why I smiled.

I love all the seasons, which is why I live in Montana. For me it is reflecting a time of change and bringing in new things.

Fall is my favorite though; it’s what I call sweatshirt weather. There is crispness in the mornings and evenings calling me to wrap up in warmer clothes and strong colors that inspire me to begin to look inward. These are habits for me. Habits that bring me joy.

When it comes to money we also have habits. The question is: are they habits that bring you joy? Habits that leave you feeling empowered? Habits that let you know you are on the path that makes your heart sing?

Often times, I find for most people, money is hard and chaotic and burdensome. I know this because I have been there too. The reason for this is the habits that we have. Money in our life has a rhythm, just like the rhythms of life we experience with a change in seasons. Taking time to first decide if that rhythm brings you joy or not is the first step. Once you know which things bring you joy, and which don’t, then you can begin to change the ones that don’t.

The good news is you can make this decision in the moment and then go to work finding and learning new ways to work with money so it is a joyful process for you. I always tell my clients my goal is to make money fun for them. So when it’s that day of the week or month to look at their numbers, it’s a joyful process.

As you step into this new season I encourage you to find one area of money where you can begin to have fun with it, experience joy with it. If I can do it, so can you!

In Abundance,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What is your "MONEY" story?

Pay Yourself First - Of all the tips in wealth building this is absolutely my favorite.

It is also the most powerful tip when it comes to wealth building. Not only will it empower you, it will also make you wealthy. So not to take anything away from Nike but the truth is you just have to do it!

So what does it mean to pay yourself first? It is taking a specific amount of money on a consistent basis and putting it to work making money for you forever. The initial amount is not as important as the consistency to begin with. I know for myself I had every reason in the book why I had to spend those dollars rather than leave them in a wealth building account. Until one day it became crystal clear to me that without developing this habit I was not going to achieve the financial goals I had set for myself. I have lifestyle goals, contribution goals and legacy goals; all of which require money.

Have you ever heard the question which would you rather have today; a penny doubled every day for 30 days or a million dollars? The answer to this question is actually the penny.

Albert Einstein taught us why when he taught us the power of Compound Interest. Compound Interest is a mathematical concept we learned in grade school. The magnitude of the power of this concept is not something you will realize unless you put it to work in your life. You must experience it!!!

So my question to you is: If you are not doing this, why are you doing what you are doing? When you get up in the morning to do the work you are doing what is your why for doing it? Paying yourself first is a mindset. It is one of the ways the wealthy become wealthier. There is something in the "doing" of this that will affect how you think about and behave with money. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It will make you wealthy. Make it a habit and see what happens.

We would love to hear from you - Are you paying yourself first? How would this look? please share with us in the comments below.

In Abundance,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Good Debt and Bad Debt - Be in the Driver's Seat!

Many of us do not believe it is possible to be debt free. 

The truth is the truly wealthy don’t have debt. Consumerism and the escalating pricing of the past is a symptom of a much deeper issue in our culture. In the United States the only place you can learn how to handle money is at home or if you strike out on your own in search of knowledge. It is not something taught in grade school at the time it really is best to begin.

When I first started in mortgage and personal lending in the early 80’s (which really wasn’t that long ago :) rates began at 12-14%. This didn’t seem to be as much of a struggle for people as the lending serviceability requirements (the amount of debt payments vs your income). At that time the serviceability limits were: your mortgage could not be more than 32% of your income and your total debt portfolio (car loans, credit cards, etc) could not be more than 36% of your income. By the time the banking industry was crashing the total allowable serviceability was at 60%. It’s no wonder we were in trouble even before the markets crashed.

So if you were not brought up in a home where money was talked about (in a positive way) or entrepreneurship was a way of life then it’s up to you to take the bull by the horns and go in search of knowledge.

I can assure you it is a possibility to be debt free. There is good debt and bad debt - do you know the difference? Debt, like money, is also a tool for creating wealth and there are strategies for when and how to use it well. Be in the driver's seat. When it comes to debt, don't let it control you! The good news is it doesn’t matter where you are starting from you can eliminate debt and take control of your finances.

Contact Sue for more info on good debt and bad debt.

In Abundance,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What is your level of resistance?

When it comes to learning new things we all have a level of resistance that sounds something like this - new things are hard, messy, and possibly irrelevant. Have you ever tried to a new hair style? The hairdresser does this amazing job. You look great walking out of the salon but the next morning after your shower you can’t remember how to make it happen. So what do you do? Well you try and each day it gets easier and better and finally your friends are complimenting you on your great hair style!

Financial literacy is no different. Truth; you never have to know more than basic math – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Once you begin down the road of learning it. It will build on itself and it won’t be long before the things that initially felt hard and messy are all of a sudden old hat and you are ready to build on them with additional ideas and tools.

Financial literacy is a learned skill. What that means for each of us is that it is possible for us too. It does not matter how old we are, how much money we have in the bank or what our work is, we can learn this.

So why would you want to learn financial literacy? They say money can’t buy you happiness. In my experience money touches every area of our lives. When we are not driving the bus it is driving us, taking up time and energy that we could be using to create the things and experiences in our lives that truly bring us joy.

Two of my favorite authors for financial literacy are Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and Loral Langemeier, author of The Millionaire Maker.

"Most wealth is inconspicuous. The man down the street driving the nice car and living in the mansion could easily have greater debt and a lower net worth than the stealthy and wealthy plumber who drives a beat-up truck but seems to work only when he doesn't feel like fishing." Loral Langemeier

“We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them.” Robert Kiyosaki

Invest in learning. Learning can come in many forms: reading, webinars, classes, or coaching. For a lot of us, finances can be a scary topic. Fear is nothing more than a lack of knowledge on a topic. With the Internet today the world of knowledge is at our fingertips. Begin to explore.
Contact Sue

In Abundance,

Friday, August 30, 2013

Gratitude for the work we have -

This weekend is Labor Day. For most of us it means an extra day to rest from our labors. To spend time doing things that we love, outside of our work, with people that we love. It is a time to be grateful for the work that we have.

When I hear someone complaining about their work, lamenting about how it is their right to have that job or that they expect to be taken care of more regardless of the effort they put in, I am saddened. Whether you are the owner of a company or an employee the work is a team effort. Each plays a role or a part to ensure the success of a company. It is that success that allows each to continue working and to be reimbursed for that work. If you are an employee who feels taken advantage of my question to you is are you in the right field and are you playing 110%?

I always have the most fun working in collaboration. You know when you are working with someone whose “come from” is giving instead of taking. Then it is all about being of service to the bigger picture instead of what am I going to get out of this. There is an energy about it that is creative. That is where results take off and soar. Napoleon Hill says we are reimbursed in direct proportion to the service we bring to others. I always ask myself what level of service am I providing? Am I playing at 110%?

When the service we provide is a passion for us, when that service is how we do all areas of our life, that is when we notice results that are beyond our wildest imaginations. When we play 110% for the sake of playing instead of what we will get in return for it. That is when magic happens. 

So this labor day I for one am truly thankful for the work that I do and the people I get to play with who are all about service!

In Abundance,

Friday, August 23, 2013

Millionaire Mindset

Associate with like-minded people
We are all part of the same puzzle!

Did you know that you will become the average of the five people you spend the most amount of time with?  We become like those we spend our time with.  So look to your left and look to your right and decide if how those around you are living is how you want to be living.  It’s not about right and wrong, it’s about what do you want.  What is your dream, your vision, your passion and are you living it.

Be clear what you want to achieve and then find the people who have already achieved those results. Check in to see if they would be willing to mentor you or research them to see if you can learn how they achieved their results.  People love to help others. Don't be afraid to reach out.  People who have what you don't have simply think differently than you do.  It is impossible to know what you don’t know so it takes the willingness to reach out and learn from others.  Have the courage to take conscious risks to begin to achieve the life you want.

In his book “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind” T Harv Ecker describes steps that each of us can take to master the inner game of wealth.  It is interesting to realize that the things we want most in life are always on the other side of doing something new.  When we are clear enough on why we would want to create the wealth then we will be willing to learn new things and take new steps.  The really good news is you can start today from wherever you are.   Contact Sue

In Abundance,