Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Joy of Seasons and Money

I woke up to our first frost this morning. The sun was shining and I could feel the crispness of the air through the window. Immediately, I smiled and my mind went to time for flannel sheets, apples, and layered clothes. Each of these is a rhythm of my life that brings me happiness, which is why I smiled.

I love all the seasons, which is why I live in Montana. For me it is reflecting a time of change and bringing in new things.

Fall is my favorite though; it’s what I call sweatshirt weather. There is crispness in the mornings and evenings calling me to wrap up in warmer clothes and strong colors that inspire me to begin to look inward. These are habits for me. Habits that bring me joy.

When it comes to money we also have habits. The question is: are they habits that bring you joy? Habits that leave you feeling empowered? Habits that let you know you are on the path that makes your heart sing?

Often times, I find for most people, money is hard and chaotic and burdensome. I know this because I have been there too. The reason for this is the habits that we have. Money in our life has a rhythm, just like the rhythms of life we experience with a change in seasons. Taking time to first decide if that rhythm brings you joy or not is the first step. Once you know which things bring you joy, and which don’t, then you can begin to change the ones that don’t.

The good news is you can make this decision in the moment and then go to work finding and learning new ways to work with money so it is a joyful process for you. I always tell my clients my goal is to make money fun for them. So when it’s that day of the week or month to look at their numbers, it’s a joyful process.

As you step into this new season I encourage you to find one area of money where you can begin to have fun with it, experience joy with it. If I can do it, so can you!

In Abundance,

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